Sunday, 9 November 2008

Sunday Ramblings

Well it's a hot Sunday today, a day of rest, so I thought I'd just write briefly about some non-clinical things. We'll follow it up with more work-related content soon as things are moving along nicely...

Part of Father Luciano's vegetable garden at Comboni.
(A favourite spot of mine for sitting etc.)

I haven't been feeling so recently so I've had the past couple of days off from the hospital to rest up a bit. This has been a very good thing. Comboni House is a very restful and peaceful place to be and sit and play guitar around. The chapel is also very nice.

The ferry over to the island

We took a little trip out onto the Nile with some Combonis the other day to go walking on an island. (There's quite a big island in the middle which I hadn't quite appreciated before. See for example Google Earth 4°51'48.49"N by 31°37'38.58"E). It's very green and lush. A little bit like our Island back home. Come to think of it, a lot of Southern Sudan is actually very green. I was quite ignorant about Africa before coming here and tended to think Africa = arid and generally beige but the countryside around is really quite lush and rather pleasant.

The Nile is pretty swollen at the moment due to the recent rainfall. We had to take a little boat over which was punted by a sudanese chap. His pole was really a little too short for the task and we drifted downstream quite a bit and had to work our way back up the reed-beds in the shallows but we got there all ok. So we just went walking around really for an afternoon. It's good to get out of Juba actually (even if not very far.)

Mangos ripening at Comboni

A large beetle I found

Limes at Comboni. We drink these in our water every day. Delicious.

So that's me for now. Back to hospital tomorrow...


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