Well it's a hot Sunday today, a day of rest, so I thought I'd just write briefly about some non-clinical things. We'll follow it up with more work-related content soon as things are moving along nicely...
I haven't been feeling so recently so I've had the past couple of days off from the hospital to rest up a bit. This has been a very good thing. Comboni House is a very restful and peaceful place to be and sit and play guitar around. The chapel is also very nice.
We took a little trip out onto the Nile with some Combonis the other day to go walking on an island. (There's quite a big island in the middle which I hadn't quite appreciated before. See for example Google Earth 4°51'48.49"N by 31°37'38.58"E). It's very green and lush. A little bit like our Island back home. Come to think of it, a lot of Southern Sudan is actually very green. I was quite ignorant about Africa before coming here and tended to think Africa = arid and generally beige but the countryside around is really quite lush and rather pleasant.
So that's me for now. Back to hospital tomorrow...
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